Renaming layers based on layer names

Hi everyone

I regularly work with governmental, spatial dxf files, in which all layers are numbered. Every number corresponds to a description of that layer. To actually understand the file and work with it, I usually rename all layers manually.
Here’s an example:

Because not every cutout of the spatial data consists of all layers, I can’t just rename them with a list and need some sort of conditional statement, which I have a hard time scripting.
In my understanding the script would first need to query the layers, skip missing layers and rename all accordingly based on the list above, which I have as csv/txt file.

Many thanks if someone could help me out here! :slight_smile:

Can you post an example dxf & the csv/text file as well? Thanks

If i understand correctly you are getting a small portion of the dxf file to compare against the entire list (txt file) ?

If you have the data sorted in a dictionary of the form d=[“key_string”, “value_string”],

where “key string” = layerName
And “value string” = targetLayerName
which is easy to make, it is as simple as looping through the layer names, and retrieving the “value_string” by passing the layer name →

targetLayerName = d [ layerName ]

Then you take that targetLayerName and pass it to the function that sets the layer’s name

If you upload a rhino file with no geometry but all the layer names, and the table with how the mapping should happen, we could help you further

thanks to both of you.
Yes exactly, the file does not have all layers, but the list is complete.

I have an example file here:
Eschenbach.3dm (2.9 MB) (2.4 KB)

i first converted your txt file to a csv
here it is:
Geobau-Layerbezeichnung.csv (4.5 KB)
download it and make sure you paste its path into the script below

then you can run Tools → Script → Edit
make a new file - white icon on the left - select python3 (might be different on a mac)

paste this and hit play

renames layers via csv file
Version: alpha 0.1
Disclaimer: use as is on your own responsibility
Author: Adel Albloushi @2024
#! python3
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino

# import csv
import csv

#create container for csv data
data = {}

#make sure you put your own path where you saved 'Geobau-Layerbezeichnung.csv' 
filepath = 'D:\Desktop\Geobau-Layerbezeichnung.csv' 

# read csv file to a list of dictionaries
with open(filepath, mode = 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    data = [row for row in reader]

#convert data into a dictionary
dictionary = {}
for row in data:
    dictionary[row["layerName"]] = row["TargetName"]

#get layers
layerTable = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Layers

layerCount = layerTable.Count

#renaming loop
for i in range(layerCount):
        #try to see if layer is in the dictionary, rename on hit
        layerTable[i].Name = dictionary[layerTable[i].Name]
        #if layer name is not in the dictionary , skip

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Hi Adel

Wow, i didn’t expect that. Thanks a lot.
I guess the script has worked on your computer? On mine it does seem to run, but somehow i doesn’t rename the layers. The terminal puts out all the layer numbers, like the were before and does not change them.
What did I do wrong?

Not sure. It works in my end, but I’m on windows.

Strange that the terminal would output anything

It seems like you didn’t copy the renaming loop at the bottom of the script

In any case, make sure you copy the whole script, run in in python3 from tools->script->edit->new>python3

I recently wrote this for one of my modelmaker colleagues in Zürich. However, your file has a zero in front of the number. I did a quick mod of the script - seems to work on your file. (5.6 KB)

Have to go now, but will check back later…

Thanks for your reply, I will try it as soon as my windows laptop is back from repair.

That actually worked. I will add the missing layer definitions and post it again.

Off topic: Where and how did you guys learn to code for rhino? Although I think i’m not entirely unintelligent, I sometimes have the feeling my thought processes are so much different from how codes are structured, that I thought it was a bad investment of my time. Now I mainly worked with, sometimes over complicated, grasshopper scripts, which I can’t use anymore, since I had to switch to mac. I’m thinking to get back to learning python, since I would be able to automate and solve many things much easier and it would also work on both OS.

The first time I ever coded something was on rhino 3 maybe. Not sure about the version, but it was 2008. Back then rhino had VB script.
I picked it quite fast because I had some knowledge about mathematics.

I started coding more when I was doing my Masters in Switzerland, but that was mostly in Java.

After my Masters I learned how to code in c++ because I wanted to translate an idea I had into a plugin for Cinema 4D.

Around the same time I was really short on money so I learned how to design a website with HTML CSS PHP in JavaScript so I could deliver one to a client - and get paid.

With Python I started around 5 or 6 years ago when I was studying AI models.

Csharp I learned because of rhino. Before rhino had sub d, I had my own way of getting something similar. It wasn’t perfect and I had the problem with surface continuity, but it worked for what I needed it.

I never actually took any programming courses. All of my learning was project based - I wanted to do something and I researched online on how to do it.

It is true that the logic of an algorithm is sometimes counterintuitive. But once you have a feeling for how to break down a problem into algorithmic steps, it doesn’t even matter what programming language you are using.

Python is a great programming language, and I can assure you that once you know how to use it you will find a lot of areas in your own work that could be automated. For example the layer naming thing.

Thanks for your reply! Thats very nice to hear