RemovePerFaceColors doesn't work properly

I try to change the wireframe colour after *.stp importing without success.
I fire ‘RemovePerFaceColors’ and I can`t select any surfaces (Geometry:
Valid surface, trimmed surface).
How can I change wireframe color after stp import in another way?

I`m on Windows, Version 7 SR12 (7.12.21313.6341, 2021-11-09) Commercial .

The wireframe colors are probably set per-object, you can select them and via Properties set them to by layer or another desired color.

That is, unless the objects have been imported as blocks…

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You are right. That’s why I couldn’t change color. You`ve solved my main problem/question.

Please tell me why that RemovePerFaceColors command doesn`t allow for selecting surfaces after triggering command? Is it a bug or not?

If you are talking about single surfaces, they are not considered to have “per-face color” currently. That condition only applies to polysurfaces. When a polysurface that has per-face colors is exploded, the face colors are attributed directly to the object as object colors, so the surface no longer has a “per-face” color attribute.

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