Record History

record History not working with VA ? or i Have a problem ?

Currently is not possible to record history of Rhino commands with VA objects.
We would like to know what do you want to accomplish specifically.


parametric house ! ))

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Cool !

Hi Jon,

We have already planned to develop the possibility to link walls, I think that it would be better for you that way instead of working with Record History.

The example of the slab seems to me the same as if you activate the control points ( _PointsOn ) of a VisualARQ slab.


With record H. I can to move the slabs & the walls and roofs TOGETHER !!

There is also another feature in the list about the possibility to link walls with slabs so that if you move a wall the slab adapts to it. I will add your vote!


Great! !!! You are the best

thanks !