I’m trying to make a point (represented as a sphere) move along a path (represented as a maze with walls as boundaries).
I want this to happen in real-time, meaning I would supply GH initial values (such as the starting point), and the whole thing would start going according to a scripted behavior (e.g “When you reach an intersection, always turn right”, “When you reach the target point, stop”).
** As a side note - later on this will be improved to receive inputs (‘turn right’ etc.) from a peripheral device, but the logic stays the same.
After creating all the necessary geometry, I’ve reached a dead end -
How do you visualize this sort of “animation loop”? Since GH doesn’t support feedback loops, I tried implementing this in script, but (not too surprisingly) all this does is run the script to the end, and showing the final result - without visualizing the entire process and ball advancement, which is my main goal.
Thanks in advance,
I’m reading up about Kangaroo. It seems to offer the vast physics solutions, but I’m not sure how it tackles the problem I raised.