R8_extrude curve tapered

Hi Good day to all,

I have some problem regarding the extrude curve tapered.

For context, I recently change from Rhino 6 to Rhino 8.

In Rhino 6, you can extrude curve tapered the curve in any direction you want.

But in Rhino 8, I cannot do this. I can only extrude it in the direction the curve is facing.

My curve is no flat. And I need the extrusion in certain direction.

Sorry i cannot describe it better in words.

Please see the attached file for the problem.

Thank you for anyone who will answer.

Best regards,

Hi Jayson -

You attached a couple of images but no 3dm file.

With the Direction option, that seems to work fine in Rhino 8 in a quick test here:
2024-02-28 - ExtrudeCrvTapered


Good Day @wim

Sorry for the late reply.

We don’t have problem with if it is rotated like the one of your example.

I attached a file for your reference on what our problem is.

Best regards,
extrude tapered problem.3dm (40.9 KB)

Hi Jayson -

Thanks. I see that behavior here → RH-81559 ExtrudeCrvTapered: Direction fails

Hi Wim,

Thank you for checking my problem.
I check the link and seems that the problem is still not solved.