Questions regarding collision

Hi, I am a new user of Kangaroo 2. Could you please me take a look what I did wrong?

What i want to do is setting multiple spheres, connecting them with springs, and let the springs squeeze balls together.

However, after I setting up the file, I found that the collision component or rigid solid component did not work. All the spheres ignored their physical mass.

Could you please help me take a look what I did wrong?

Thank you
V3 (16.7 KB)

Well, I think maybe Robert Mueller is better suited to answer questions regarding collusion.

For collisions though, here’s an adjustment of your definition (10.1 KB)
(I just changed some of the relative strengths)

However, as they are spheres there’s a much more efficient way of doing this: (12.8 KB)
(Collision checks between spheres can be done with just the distance between their centres, and this component lets you input centres and radii for the spheres you want to collide)

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Thank you for spelling check:sweat_smile:

Hi all,

I have a -maybe- stupid question on this very same topic,
I’m trying to model clusters of spheres with different radius by dragging them around
one of the spheres center points is anchored to avoid the geometries travelling around in the canvas

some of the original Spheres center points are connected by lines, which define which ones must be solidal together
I have set the final length of these lines to be specific values (in a separate list), in such a way they define “how much” any two connected spheres compenetrate with each other

no problems until this point :slight_smile:

in the attached image/definition, when I drag -for instance- the center of sphere “a” in direction of sphere “d”, it rotates around “c” like I want, but -of course- at a certain point compenetrates “d”

I used a Collider component to try to solve this problem
I’m pretty sure the IgnoreA / B inputs will do the trick, but I could not figure out how to structure the data for this particular task

my final target is to keep the desired distance between connected spheres, and avoid any other compenetration

Thanks a lot for any kind of help! (25.2 KB)

Like this? (13.5 KB)

my god, it took you 40 seconds to figure out :slight_smile: I’ve been struggling on this for 5 days now

I have been reorganizing the index of the ignoreA / B points in 20 different ways, using multiple entwines, writing index lists by hand at a certain point, crying on my keyboard

THANK YOU SO MUCH :heart: this is EXACTLY what I was looking for

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Hi Daniel, hope you’re well
adding to this after getting relation between the spheres how can i create something like this
that they are connected to each others and to supports , i wanna create kind of tension and compression between them that is adaptable like if i decreased one sphere’s radius they would be pulled that way and balance again and if it extended they compress and that volume would be like origami it keeps on shrinking and expanding i want during these moves they be able to adapt to each other


Your first reference image shows a “chaotic” line network, maybe a three-dimensional Vornoi pattern, where some cells are populated by capsules of sorts. Oh, and there are safety nets distributed throughout. I’d say this is pretty random and made to look design-y in the rendering. It reeks of university work, not that there’s anything wrong with that.

The Saraceno installation is composed of clusters of mostly dodecahedrons, where some are slightly transformed.

The other Sareceno installation is based on (rectified) truncated icosahedra, spheres, etc. with different tessellations.