Question: Input Geo Keeps Moving Miles Away with no Transform


I had a look and couldn’t find a topic that answers this. I haven’t really Csharp-ed since Rhino 6 and I’m using Rhino 8.

My brep input, which I’m inputting as GeometryBase keeps outputting miles away from where it currently is, even when I don’t use it in any code. Below is my code but the output you can see is just the input. However, as you can see in the screenshot it’s in a totally different location.

Has there been any major update that changes which co-ordinate system geometry uses once in C#?


public class Script_Instance : GH_ScriptInstance
region Notes
RhinoDoc RhinoDocument
GH_Document GrasshopperDocument
IGH_Component Component
int Iteration

  Methods (Virtual & overridable):
    Print(string text)
    Print(string format, params object[] args)
    Reflect(object obj)
    Reflect(object obj, string method_name)

private void RunScript(
List<Curve> Curves,
double Spacing,
double MortarSpacing,
GeometryBase Brick,
ref object a)
    double brickSpacing = new double();
    double brickCount = 0;
    double crvLength = 0;
    Plane brickPlane;
    List<Plane> brickSpos = new List<Plane>();
    List<GeometryBase> brickS = new List<GeometryBase>();

    foreach (Curve crv in Curves)
        crvLength = crv.GetLength();
        brickCount = Math.Round(crvLength / Spacing);
        brickSpacing = crvLength / brickCount;

        for (int i = 0; i <= brickCount; i++)
            var brickDup = Brick;
            Point3d brickPos = crv.PointAtLength(brickSpacing * i);
            brickPlane = new Plane(brickPos, Vector3d.XAxis, Vector3d.YAxis);
            Transform moveTOpos = Transform.PlaneToPlane(brickPlane, Plane.WorldXY);
    a = Brick;


3. Attach minimal versions of all the relevant files

I found out my issue, though I’m not sure exactly how it works. When I use the transform on the duplicate brick variable its affecting the original for some reason, but that seems to be because I am just saying the new variable = old variable, rather than new variable = old variable.duplicate.