Question about colliding two lines

I am currently trying to collide two lines with each other to find the deformed configuration. I have tried this using the collider component of Kangaroo2. When I run the bouncy solver, only one of the lines deforms due to the collision; the other line remains straight.
Looking at tutorials for using the collider component, it seems that one object always remains static, and the other deforms. The only exception I have found is when a continuous line interacts with itself (such as a knot in a rope).
Is there somewhere more information available on how to work with the collider component?

Hi @Renske

With the Collider component, all collisions are 2-way, meaning all input geometry is affected.
If you were seeing one object static in other examples, they must have either been using different collision goals, or anchoring some of the inputs.
Lines themselves will always stay straight. If you want object to bend (and behave like ropes or rods), you need to make them out of multiple line segments.
Here’s an example: (13.2 KB)