Hello, I am trying in vain to configure Visual Studio Code to write Python scripts (v7). According to this forum, it seems that it is enough to create a Python environment and install Rhino-stubs.
The entire “rhinosyntax” namespace is not found, nor is the “.NET/IronPython” one, and all the sub-namespaces of “Rhino” (such as Rhino.Collection, Rhino.Geometry) are not found either. In the official documentation on the site, I found no explanation for Visual Studio Code.
Is there a complete and up-to-date explanation somewhere for Rhino 7 to configure Python & VSCode? Thank you, jmv
Thank you for taking the time to respond.
Unfortunately, although I was able to find the corresponding folders in Windows, their internal structure is very different from the video.
I tried adding different paths but nothing worked.