Python & Visual Studio Code Documentation

Hello, I am trying in vain to configure Visual Studio Code to write Python scripts (v7). According to this forum, it seems that it is enough to create a Python environment and install Rhino-stubs.

The entire “rhinosyntax” namespace is not found, nor is the “.NET/IronPython” one, and all the sub-namespaces of “Rhino” (such as Rhino.Collection, Rhino.Geometry) are not found either. In the official documentation on the site, I found no explanation for Visual Studio Code.

Is there a complete and up-to-date explanation somewhere for Rhino 7 to configure Python & VSCode? Thank you, jmv

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maybe @eirannejad ?

From @eirannejad’s video’s video:

  • add to .vscode/settings/python.analysis.extraPaths (double check the paths in the video):
    • ~/.rhinocode/site-interop
    • ~/.rhinocode/site-rhinopython
    • ~/.rhinocode/site-stubs

There might be a couple more paths mentioned, I just quickly glanced at my old notes from when I was wondering the same thing.

Thank you for taking the time to respond.
Unfortunately, although I was able to find the corresponding folders in Windows, their internal structure is very different from the video.
I tried adding different paths but nothing worked.

@kitjmv This is how the directories are structured.

Add these two paths to get rhinoscriptsyntax and ghpythonlib


Add the path to the stubs for the rhino you are running to get the dotnet libraries:


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Merci @eirannejad !!

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