I have my common scripts in file called CommonScripts. When I import that file, intellisense stops working. Why? If I comment out the from import line, intellisense works but then of course I cannot run/debug my code until I uncomment it.
When I ran scripteditor for the first time it said it was initializing Python 3 but when the script editor came up it was in vbs mode. I searched through the options see if there was an option to change it to python mode with no avail. Shouldn’t it switch between vbs and python seamlessly? How do I do this? Also when I create a new file it automatically uses a vbs template. Should it come up and ask whether or not I was vbs vs python? Also, the intellisense is acting like my python files are vbs files.
Is there a way to clear out some setting to force Rhino to re-init the script editor? Maybe that will help.