Python Death Clock

There is just over a year to go on the Python 2.7 death clock :clock11:

Have Mcneel plans moved on at all in terms of Python 3 support? Two major features of Python are the large standard library and the large number of available technical and scientific libraries.
This has really accelerated over the last 2 years with some great tools in recent versions of Python 3 so supporting Python 3 would give Rhino developers access to some amazing machine learning, data visualisation and other tools. There are also lots of tools and support for switching code from 2 to 3.
I see the 3dm project is py3 compatible but is that a moonshot? is there an official strategy for Python 3 support in Rhino and Grasshopper?
By the way : thank you very much for integrating Python in Rhino! This makes my working life much less repetitive and tedious and I feel like I am just starting to explore the possibilities :slight_smile:
I know that Rhino currently uses IronPython, and I see that that project picked up life again earlier in 2018 after a long hiatus. I am also aware of the Python .Net project which supports Python 3 but donā€™t know if that is suitable for Rhino integrationā€¦?

You forget that Rhinoā€™s Python is IronPython. Donā€™t think there is a V3 for that yetā€¦

No plans that I am aware of. And anyway, Python 2.7 lives for as long as it is being used (:

There is but I donā€™t know when it will be production-ready.

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Yes I am aware - I modified my post to reflect this

I wanted that py3 compatibility for Blender 2.8, as I wanted to start import_3dm as a new Blender add-on. the rhino3dm more-or-less lives outside Rhino itself, so no direct influence from the py3 compatibility from that to the main Rhino project.

I will have to try rhino3dm outside Rhino - I sometimes need Pandas dataframes and I am targetting a Rhino ā†’ Matlab ā†’ Paraview toolchain. Iā€™m a bit nervous about the newness of it all - I donā€™t want to have to rewrite everything if the API changes.

I donā€™t forsee large, architectural, changes in the rhino3dm API, especially considering that the Rhino file format is quite ā€œflatā€. I think @stevebaer probably will agree with that.

Now the compute/inside APIs I donā€™t know how stable they are, but I think you should be able to get quite far with already ā€˜justā€™ the file format module.

Nathanā€™s right; I doubt weā€™ll make a whole lot of changes as this is simply writing OpenNURBS bindings in python and I am following the patterns that we have used in RhinoCommon. Iā€™m not one to go dramatically changing things just for changeā€™s sake.

OK thanks both - I shall get stuck in next time Iā€™m linking data to geometry. Iā€™m still not sure how best to fit all the pieces together but this could be the missing elementā€¦

Ahh yes, about that - the latest python developers survey is out :smiley:

Sorry @nathanletwory Iā€™m revoking your solution :open_mouth: given @stevebaerā€™s exciting announcement this morning :slight_smile: :snake:

That is fine - Iā€™ll be typing my surface tools using this as well . Rhino Inside used in Blender.

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Latest update on Ironpython 3 development from those who are working (unpaid, open source) on it: ā€I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s ready for any kind of release, but it works for a lot of scenariosā€

So if people are feeling brave then I guess they could download, (compile?) and install it outside of Rhino.

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Some interesting updates from the Dynamo team:

Looks like theyā€™re implementing Python.NET, which Iā€™m sure comes with its own can of worms (and is another potentially brittle dependency ala the dead Enthought stuff). But itā€™s cool to see them attempt to provide official CPython 3 support out of the box.

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and now CPython 3 in Rhino 8


OK, time to get rhino 8 WIP


RIP in pepperoni linguinis IronPythonā€¦


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