I need a python code that takes 2D images and generates a 3D mesh.
This is an example of a 2D image that needs to be converted to a 3D mesh.
A 3D mesh, with everything given the same Z co-ordinate?
Look into edge detection algorithms.
In fact, I am looking for an automatic code or algorithm that converts a large number of patterns into a mesh.
What do you think about this code?
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
def convert_image_to_mesh(image_path, mesh_height):
# Load the image
image = rs.AddTexture(image_path)
# Get the dimensions of the image
width, height = rs.TextureSize(image)
# Create a grid of points
points = []
for y in range(height):
for x in range(width):
pixel_color = rs.TexturePixel(image, (x, y))
if pixel_color[0] < 128: # Assuming black and white image (black pixels have lower values)
points.append(rs.AddPoint(x, y, 0))
points.append(rs.AddPoint(x, y, mesh_height))
# Create a mesh from the points
mesh = rs.AddMesh(points, range(len(points)-width), range(width, len(points)))
return mesh
Usage example
image_path = “C:/path/to/your/image.png”
mesh_height = 10 # Adjust this value to control the height of the mesh
result_mesh = convert_image_to_mesh(image_path, mesh_height)
Output the result mesh
a = result_mesh
There are dozens and dozens of efficient algorithms that would be vectorised and fast, that would allow you to get approximately to what you want. Or at least get a starting point.
Give a real example if possible.