Provide informations for animation in best possible way for web developer

Hi there!

I really like the way how it is possible to provide information for animations in a .json file. The process is very clear in the “” example file you provided in the latest webinar.

It is perfect for our developers to implement the animations without needing to know all the details and with less code as possible.

New challenge: We want to animate a folding door with two hinges that move at the same time. As it is clear how I need to provide the data for the main rotation of hinge0 at the first pivot which affects the whole door, I wonder what other informations our webdev would need for the other hinge rotation.

I built this (19.8 KB)
reduced example in 2D-topview to understand the rotations and how they rely on each other.
In the screenshots you can see the open and closed state of the door.

So my question is: What other informations would the webdev need to implement the animation through the API as easy as possible.

If I just give him the second pivot (and third in this example), would it be possible to rotate this pivot with the other geometry and use this moving pivot for the simultaneous transformation?

Do you have any experience with that kind of animations or maybe even an example?

I’m looking forward to your answers and thank you very much in advance.


Hello @combeenation team,

so we are currently working on a release that will make it possible on the Grasshopper side to structure the data to be able to create a proper hierarchy that can be used to apply animations.

From the actual side of animations, we already did a little test of how this could work, simply from the API. The example is even more advanced than your case, so if you look at the code, you would only need Nodes 1-3.

We’ll keep you up-to-date about the structuring of node hierarchy!

Cheers, Michael

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Did you get any leads on animation @combeenation ?

Hello @MajorMeerkatThe3rd, Is the tutorial on how to animate the doors and drawers (of shape diver model) such as opening and rotating by clicking on our website for web developers and what a web developer needs to know about the model and grasshopper side to achieve the same released now?

@Ankita_Kushwaha please see this thread where we can continue the conversation