Hello, so I’m working on this building in Rhino. As you can see I have positioned the windows for the same away from the building. I wanted to know how I can - using grasshopper - project the windows onto the walls and cut holes in it. (The wall has a thickness!). The idea is this way I can later change the window size and its position. How would I go about doing this??
Edit: Sorry for not uploading the file earlier. I just added that as well. (Note: if you do ‘show’ you can see the whole building). I don’t have any grasshopper script, would be great if you can make one with the small module or even for one window so that I can understand it better!
3. Attach minimal versions of all the relevant files
Since you don’t supply a file:
There a multiple ways of doing that.
You can project the windows onto the outer wall surface, extrude them inside and cut the walls with the extrusion. After that loft the naked edges and join cutted wall & loft to a new solid.
Computational faster would be to only draw the outer wall surfaces. Project the windows onto then split the surface with the projected curves, sort the trimmed surfaces by area, get the one with the biggest area, extrude it to wall thickness, move a copy of the outer trimmed surface the same amount as the wall thickness and join everything to a solid.
Thanks for that. Just added the file!
Hey thank you! Will give it a shot. Also, just uploaded the file