Hello. Help me please. I need to project a mesh of rivers and a lot of roads onto the terrain in an efficient way, and so that they don’t get too buried in the terrain.
I tried to project curves and points, but after that I can’t create a surface.
Seems to work best with “multi move to topo heron”. But anyway, for some reason, in some places the river is heavily buried in the relief, and these sections always move during recompute.
When the geometry is extremely large, as this appears to be (I didn’t examine the files), it makes more sense to keep it separate from the GH code, which is usually extremely small by comparison. Otherwise the massive geometry gets copied with every revision of the GH.
The zipped (.7z) file SRTM and river.7z is 1.5 MB so I assumed that its contents are larger when unzipped? But again, I didn’t examine the files. Even 406 KB is rather large, though, compared to the unnamed.gh file at only 26 KB.
Thank you. Sry, I figured out how to internalize the geometry. internalize.gh (15.1 MB)
It’s not very suitable for my scale. Rivers or roads should not be higher than 2 meters above the terrain, as they will fly over the surrounding objects.
Hi @Михаил_Колесников
Not quite sure of the intent for the quad remeshing of topography in your original GH, but with a little clean up, MMeshToTopo seems to work. unnamed_BW.gh (22.7 KB)
I did some refinement on the rivers-meshes and I think I could improve the precision. Maybe to get even closer the terain-mesh should be refined as well.
Another possibility is to cut holes into the terain mesh (extrude the naked river-edges, join, cap) and fill them.
using Brian_Washburn’s file I found, that Mesh Split workes fine here. Also Polyline To Mesh from Pufferfish is used.
I solved just 4 of 128 split operations so to cut all of the holes might take some time.