Problems with ETO GitHub Examples

I’ve spent a couple frustrating hours starting to learn ETO with Python3. I have gotten a grand total of zero example scripts to work! Not a good average.

From here:

I have tried these scripts with and got the following errors
NameError: name 'Padding' is not defined
NameError: name 'Dialog' is not defined
NameError: name 'Dialog' is not defined and

Rhino.Runtime.Code.Execution.ExecuteException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
 ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Eto.Forms.Window.set_Title(String value) in D:\BuildAgent\work\dujour\src4\DotNetSDK\Eto\src\Eto\Forms\Window.cs:line 244
   at InvokeStub_Window.set_Title(Object, Object, IntPtr*)
   at System.Reflection.MethodInvoker.Invoke(Object obj, IntPtr* args, BindingFlags invokeAttr)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at Python.Runtime.PythonException.ThrowLastAsClrException()
   at Python.Runtime.PythonException.ThrowIfIsNull(NewReference& ob)
   at Python.Runtime.PyModule.Execute(PyObject script, PyDict locals)
   at Python.Runtime.RhinoCodePythonEngine.RunScope(Object scope, Object code, String pythonFile, String beforeScript, String afterScript)
   at Rhino.Runtime.Code.Languages.PythonNet.CPythonCode.Execute(RunContext context)
   at Rhino.Runtime.Code.Code.ExecTry(RunContext context, IPlatformDocument& doc, Object& docState)
   at Rhino.Runtime.Code.Code.Run(RunContext context)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Eto.Forms.Window.set_Title(String value) in D:\BuildAgent\work\dujour\src4\DotNetSDK\Eto\src\Eto\Forms\Window.cs:line 244
   at InvokeStub_Window.set_Title(Object, Object, IntPtr*)
   at System.Reflection.MethodInvoker.Invoke(Object obj, IntPtr* args, BindingFlags invokeAttr)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at Python.Runtime.PythonException.ThrowLastAsClrException()
   at Python.Runtime.PythonException.ThrowIfIsNull(NewReference& ob)
   at Python.Runtime.PyModule.Execute(PyObject script, PyDict locals)
   at Python.Runtime.RhinoCodePythonEngine.RunScope(Object scope, Object code, String pythonFile, String beforeScript, String afterScript)
   at Rhino.Runtime.Code.Languages.PythonNet.CPythonCode.Execute(RunContext context)
   at Rhino.Runtime.Code.Code.ExecTry(RunContext context, IPlatformDocument& doc, Object& docState)
   at Rhino.Runtime.Code.Code.Run(RunContext context)

Am I missing some kind of secret decoder ring to make the examples work?
The Rhino version is Version 8 SR8

All of these scripts are 6 to 7 years old, so maybe I have just followed the documentation to the wrong location?

Thanks for the insight,

I copy and paste into Rhino 8 and get this:

The 8.x version is a bit older. Running a check for update may help.

Is there anything different with the screenshot above?

Some of the more sophisticated examples do through some errors because of function overload syntax. I can take a look at that.

Well, I don’t know how to explain it, but I restarted Rhino and now the “basic” example works but the other ones still do not. The only change is that I closed Rhino and started it again. It seems worse to have something that works intermittently.

Here are a couple images to prove that I am not crazy…

Here is a quick brute force way to fix the Collapsable.

The Print method syntax and the multi-property control overloads are changed:

#! python3
# MIT License - Copyright (c) 2017 Robert McNeel & Associates.
# See in the root of this repository for details.
import scriptcontext
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import clr
import sys

from Rhino.UI import *
from Eto.Forms import Form, Dialog, Label, TextBox, StackLayout, Orientation, Button, HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment, TextAlignment, NumericUpDown, MessageBox, DropDown, CheckBox, TableLayout, StackLayoutItem, DynamicLayout, Control, Panel, Form
from Eto.Drawing import *

# Custom label helper to set alignment
def L(text):
    label = Label()
    label.Text = text
    label.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center
    label.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right
    return label

# Custom label helper to set alignment
def CB(text):
    cb = CheckBox()
    cb.Text = text
    return cb

form = Dialog[bool]() # return True or False from ShowModal()
form.Title = "My Collapsible Eto Form"
form.Resizable = False
form.Padding = Padding(5)

# set content of the collapsed section
collapsePanel = DynamicLayout()
collapsePanel.Visible = False
collapsePanel.Padding = Padding(40, 10)
collapsePanel.DefaultSpacing = Size(5, 5)
collapsePanel.AddRow(None, L("Density:"), NumericUpDown())
collapsePanel.AddRow(None, L("Maximum angle:"), NumericUpDown())
collapsePanel.AddRow(None, L("Maximum aspect ratio:"), NumericUpDown())
collapsePanel.AddRow(None, L("Minimum edge length:"), NumericUpDown())
collapsePanel.AddRow(None, L("Maximum edge length:"), NumericUpDown())
collapsePanel.AddRow(None, L("Maximum distance, edge to surface:"), NumericUpDown())
collapsePanel.AddRow(None, L("Minimum initial grid quads:"), NumericUpDown())
collapsePanel.AddRow(None, CB("Refine mesh"))
collapsePanel.AddRow(None, CB("Jagged seams"), CB("Pack textures"), None)
collapsePanel.AddRow(None, CB("Simple planes"))

# button to toggle collapsing
collapseButton = Button()
collapseButton.text = "v"
collapseButton.MinimumSize = Size.Empty
def collapseButton_Click(sender, e):
		if collapsePanel.Visible:
			form.ClientSize = Size(form.ClientSize.Width, form.ClientSize.Height - collapsePanel.Height)
			collapsePanel.Visible = False
			collapseButton.Text = "^"
			collapsePanel.Visible = True
			collapseButton.Text = "v"
			form.ClientSize = Size(max(form.ClientSize.Width, collapsePanel.Width), form.ClientSize.Height + collapsePanel.Height)
		print ("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
		pass # so we don't bring down rhino if there's a bug in the script

collapseButton.Click += collapseButton_Click

# a few buttons always shown at the bottom
previewButton = Button()
previewButton.Text = "Preview"

cancelButton = Button()
cancelButton.Text = "Cancel"
def cancelButton_Click (sender, e):
		print ("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
		pass # so we don't bring down rhino if there's a bug in the script
cancelButton.Click += cancelButton_Click;

okButton = Button()
okButton.Text = "OK"
def okButton_Click (sender, e):
		print ("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
		pass # so we don't bring down rhino if there's a bug in the script
okButton.Click += okButton_Click

# set default buttons when user presses enter or escape anywhere on the form
form.DefaultButton = okButton
form.AbortButton = cancelButton
toleranceUpDown = NumericUpDown()

# our main layout
layout = DynamicLayout()
layout.DefaultSpacing = Size(2,2)
layout.AddSeparateRow(None, L("Tolerance"), toleranceUpDown, L("millimeters"), collapseButton)
layout.AddCentered(collapsePanel) # we need this auto-sized so we can get its width to adjust form height
layout.Add(None); # expanding space, in case you want the form re-sizable
layout.AddSeparateRow(None, previewButton, cancelButton, okButton);
form.Content = layout;
if form.ShowModal():
	print ("Do something, user clicked OK")

Thank you for taking the time to go through that Scott. I just brought them into WinMerge and it looks like creating the objects without parameters is the current solution. I’ll try to run with that process.

As a side note, I just searched for “python eto forms” on YouTube. There were two hits… one from 4 years ago that is 1:14 long with no audio. The second is from 8 years ago, is 1:05 long and has no dialog. So it seems that Rhino is the only software using Eto with Python?

I have no idea how I am going to learn this. Where did everyone get their knowledge from?


We are actually working on new documentation as we speak. So I hope to get that out as soon as we can.

Here are some started guides:


yes, it’s unfortunate that that is not possible in Python 3. If you have to create many of the same controls, e.g. a series of numeric steppers, it helps to create a function for it, that will help keep your code more concise.

Mostly brute force honestly. But I think that was a bit painful, so as Scott says, I’m writing some docs to make jumping into Eto a lot easier.

All of the scripts are old, you need to make sure you use IronPython (2) for a chance of them working, or the syntax will be off.

Half works, the collapsing doesn’t seem to collapse correctly for me on Mac
If I add the below code, It works for me and I can collapse and uncollapse the form

collapsePanel.Visible = True # <-- Add this line

# button to toggle collapsing

Works for me in IronPython 2, nothing exciting, but the barebones work

This works for me

Change the code in the OnCaptureButtonClick with this

    # Capture button click handler 
    def OnCaptureButtonClick(self, sender, e): 
        # Capture the active view to a System.Drawing.Bitmap
        view = scriptcontext.doc.Views.ActiveView
        bitmap = EtoExtensions.ToEto(view.CaptureToBitmap())
        self.m_image_view.Image = bitmap
        # Update the text label
        self.m_label.Text = 'Captured view: {}'.format(view.ActiveViewport.Name)
        # Disable the default button
        self.DefaultButton.Enabled = False

Works well for me

I hope this makes your journey into Eto a bit easier @Henry_Wede, what are you hoping to make with Eto? :slight_smile: