Problem with Support Points and Analyze Karamba3D

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

I am trying to analyze my shape as a roof with Karamba3d and create a 3d model.
My support points and columns are not defined correctly so that Karamba3d works properly.
I hope someone can help me with this.
Thank you in advance and have a nice day.

best regards

JILL 1.3dm (273.3 KB)
JILL (45.1 KB)

I downloaded this file and I have to tell everyone:
This file is very bad.
Please don’t anyone try it.

Thanks for your warning. I have now corrected the file and it should work.
999.3dm (66.2 KB) (41.5 KB)

when i open your file, the support points are not even defined. They are empty

how can I define the support points. do you know how I can define them?

for example define like this

you were also shown an error with Assemble Model Karamba 3D

999.3dm (132.8 KB) (40.5 KB)

Please specify the error message.

Hi, your support points clearly do not lie on your geometry. Please check the error messages as they indicate what might be wrong with your defintion

It is clearly stated that support is not defined.

thank you very much for answering my questions. please help me. somehow i can’t get the columns defined. i will be glad if someone can help me.
I have redone everything.
Another question: how can I get the right surface between the curve of the roof?

JILL 16 01 2024.3dm (78.2 KB)
JILL 16 01 (45.7 KB)

Your columns are not even assembled in your model. Make sure your curves all intersect otherwise you have issues.

One suggestion is that you should simplify your entire model first and try to get your Karamba3D Model working with a reduced geometry. Once the workflow is established that you can create a model with more complex geometry.

can you tell me whether this is correct with the columns. whether they are connected?
Thanks in advance

JILL 16 01 2024.3dm (78.2 KB) (39.8 KB)