Hi @Damon_Davis_Jr ,
So I got a chance to open your model and you have quite a lot of poly surfaces with windows overlapping them in different ways so just a heads up it’s going to take a lot of manual effort on your part.
You could rebuilt your wall as a single surface by lofting the top outermost curve down and then cutting the windows, then offsetting the surface to get the wall thickness…
Alternatively you could create a “window sized” “cutter” object that you use for boolean differencing from the overall form and then use a larger version of that cutter to actually do the intersection.
Step 1.
-Get your outer most wall top curve.
-Use sub-object selection on the top surface of your wall
-Use DupBorder Command
-Delete the inner curve
-Rebuild the outer curve
Step 2.
-loft/extrude/other method to get a single continuous surface
Step 3.
-create a window cutter object and window frame intersection object to be used in next steps
Step 4.
-use OffsetSrf command to create a solid exterior wall
Step 5.
-use Intersect command to intersect the frame cutters with the solid walls
Step 6.
-use BooleanDifference command to cut the solid walls with the window cutters
Step 7.
-repeat as necessary
Now just a caveat… I actually never model in Rhino so I don’t know much about the tools.
This is just a guess and “one way” to do it, there are many more ways maybe with less steps…
I do think having the surface surface of the walls be 1 single surface will help you a lot though, that will also allow you to run OffsetCrvOnSrf for any window or door opening as well since its a single surface.
The example of window and window frame cutters are on new sublayers in your model.
Cheers, hope that gives you a start or some ideas!
20240717_Round House_Response_01a.3dm (10.7 MB)