i am trying to open a file but it seems to not be able to read it. i get this error message:
This document contains the messages that were recorded during the most recent Grasshopper® file read/write. Whenever a read/write operation fails or behaves unexpectedly, this summary will be compiled and put on display. If you experience problems saving or opening files, please include this log with any bug-report you file. You can use the Send… button to mail this report directly, or you can save the log and attach it to a personal email message. This log contains no personal information beyond what you supply, nor any other information that is not directly related to Grasshopper.
Message log start (chronological):
An entry with the same key already exists.
I have tried everything (checking the autosave folder, recycling bin, etc) but the file isnt there and i dont have a backup. Please help if you know anything i can do to recover it, it really is a lot of work. Thanks in advance!