is it possible with python to have the dinamic preview of line when we pick the second point?
like when you create a line in rhino…
i would like to create blacks lines, with in entry the X distance, the first point pickked (0) and the second point picked(1)
(Willem Derks)
May 12, 2020, 7:54am
GetLine hase a mode=1 to preview the line
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
the return is a tuple of the 2 points
does that help?
yes it is!!!
i don’t understand why i didn’t find it!!!
but now if i want to have the preview of the black line during the second point selection, i need to use Rhinocomon, no?
Yes, you will need to calculate the two black lines - I assume based on some reference line or plane - and then set up a custom dynamic draw preview. It is somewhat complicated.
Ok thank you, so i 'll try to script it python…
from Rhino import *
from Rhino.Geometry import *
from Rhino.Commands import *
from Rhino.Input.Custom import *
from scriptcontext import doc
from System.Drawing import *
def RunCommand():
gp = GetPoint()
gp.SetCommandPrompt("First point")
if gp.CommandResult() <> Result.Success:
return gp.CommandResult()
c1 = gp.Point()
gsp = GetSecondPoint(c1)
gsp.SetCommandPrompt("Second point")
if gsp.CommandResult() <> Result.Success:
return gsp.CommandResult()
c2 = gsp.Point()
doc.Objects.AddLine(Line(c1, c2))
return Commands.Result.Success
class GetSecondPoint(GetPoint):
def __init__(self, c1):
self.m_c1 = c1
def OnDynamicDraw(self, e):
rec = Rectangle3d(Plane.WorldXY, self.m_c1, e.CurrentPoint).ToPolyline()
e.Display.DrawPoints([self.m_c1, e.CurrentPoint], Display.PointStyle.X, 4, Color.White)
e.Display.DrawLine(Line(self.m_c1, e.CurrentPoint), Color.Red)
e.Display.DrawLine(rec.SegmentAt(0), Color.Black, 1)
e.Display.DrawLine(rec.SegmentAt(2), Color.Black, 1)
if __name__=="__main__":
DynamicDraw.py (1.2 KB)
yes but the Distance X between two black line have to be fixe, 50mm for example…
your black lines stay horizontal, that is not that i want… i don’t have time for the moment, but thank your your script will help me for the “dynamic draw”
i the end i would like to create the green tube:
with only the the selection of 3 points, start, end, and a third point to define the plane.