Any idea how we can sync or manually change the direction of multiple polylines?
Flip should work on multiple objects?
It works for Symmetrical objects but for Asymmetrical ones, not the best solution I guess…
This creates a problem when Listing points in Grasshopper
Are the polylines closed?
Yes, Closed polylines…
So you can put a little circle inside every polyline and use it as a guide curve for the flip component
Uhmm, Couldn’t get it exactly, sharing the file, in incase I am solving it incorrectly…
Direction issue.3dm (89.7 KB)
Sorry, the command is _MatchCrvDir. However it doesn’t seem to work consistently.
The approach with the circle is for Grasshopper.
Yes, true… How can I do it in Grasshopper? The major problem is with asymmetrical objects
What did you bake?
Tried Baking Flip component and offset as well… Same results
It works fine here. Please post your Grasshopper file.
Sure, Attached below
flip_curves_with point lists.gh (13.1 KB)
Direction issue.3dm (118.1 KB)
The flip curve component’s output
Weird, but you agree that the cones on the offset boundary all point into the same counter clockwise direction ?
Yes they are in a clockwise direction. So I suppose you tried baking the flip component and the ShowDir command in Rhino shows all the polyline directions synced, correct?
This is the result I get, baking the flip curve component.
Direction is counter clockwise. All adjacent edges have opposing directions.
original_vs_baked_dir.gh (16.9 KB)
I do not like and never use the showdir display.