I need some help in Grasshopper, I have these 144 Trimmed surfaces that I need to apply an adaptative Module from a reference Unit One, that needs to be adjusted on each surface of these,
The idea I got is simple, Wanted to parametresize the Module panel considering the 4 points and then I thought I would try to use the Box Morph Component … Things didn’t turn out as expected …
You can use the box morph component in Grasshopper. You’ll need to make a box around the reference object and extrude the surfaces to morph the brep for this to work. With this, you’ll be able to deform the reference brep according to the target boxes.
I already tried working on that, same way, Th problem is that I don’t have a Unified Surface that is devided to UV Isocurves, I have irregluar independant Trimmed Surfaces.
Second point, my shape goes beyond the Bounding box of the surface i’m using.
I tried badly using Box Morph, since it didn’t work, I thought maybe i was doing things wrong and that maybe there should be another way …
Then, use untrimmed surfaces in the first place.
This is an example using Sporph and Ngon plugin’s DiamondDivide.
The result in surface U&V directions is pretty consistent.