Pattern Based Image Sampler

Hello everyone!
I am trying to create a brick wall similar to the picture I have. I created an isotrim and split it into two lists of rows. Then, I tried to move the rows according to the picture, but this is the result I got. I would appreciate your help in figuring out what I did wrong or how I can achieve the correct displacement of the bricks.

I think you go on a wrong path, position of a brick depends on the position of the previous brick and the shift that depends on the Brightness of the image.
So lets say we begin with a map that tells you if bricks are spaced or not

It is doable with Grasshopper with some recursion using mass addition, then some geometric equation solving or using Anemone plugin. There are some publications on this subject.
But I could propose you the use Nautilus plugin and String of Pearls on curve using Image.
This tools needs a mesh with color use, Import Image.
Then draw the lines where the bricks are.
Inputs the dimension of bricks (as radius) then instead of the circles uses the points to place bricks.

brick image (10.8 KB)
If you want the bricks more close change the maximum radius.
Here the outputs with circles

And here a version with bricks on the middle, many parameters are not well coded because they are on multiple place, but the idea is there.

brick image (18.1 KB)

And a more automatic version, just upload an image

brick image (22.9 KB)


Thank you for your help!! I was able to get the form of the brick in place. But, I can’t figure out how to change the gaps between the bricks. I need to have 9 different sized of gaps and can’t seem to create a parameter that controlls them.

if you are an architecture student, here are some lessons :
you first provided very few elements and no script. Not a great problem as your image was quite clear and your script was surely not very useful. But most of the time it is not interesting for people to recreate a script, also if it is simple (see there Help Us Help You)
But now you add new specifications that were not present at the beginning, if you do that in real life, you will have to pay for an useless tool as the maker of the tool that its tool answer the initial question.

Whatever, my tool was done with to work with real number and not sampled values. You’ll have to make it by yourself. It is not so hard.
Place a brick, go to the left (or right) look at the brightness => choose your gap accordingly.
Redo until you are on the other side.

Also if you do your tool you’ll have many more possibilities to tune it.