Pass Data Between Component and Attributes

Hi All,

I was trying to use Menu_AppendTextItem in context menu to get user input and pass it to the IGH_Attributes Interface class (for future displaying such user input).

So far what I was able to update the value in the component side after click the “commit change” button, with the following structure:

namespace newComp.Components

    public class newComp : Grasshopper.Kernel.Special.GH_NumberSlider

        public List<double> keyvalue;
        public newComp()

          : base()

            this.keyvalue = new List<double> { 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 }; 

        public override GH_Exposure Exposure
            get { return GH_Exposure.primary; }

        public override void CreateAttributes()
                this.m_attributes = (IGH_Attributes)new newCompAttributes(this, keyvalue);

        public override void AppendAdditionalMenuItems(ToolStripDropDown menu)
            ToolStripMenuItem PDDropdown = GH_DocumentObject.Menu_AppendItem(menu, "Custom keyvalue");

                                "Custom keyvalue",
                                new GH_MenuTextBox.TextChangedEventHandler(updatePD),

            PDDropdown.DropDown.Items[1].Click += (obj, e) => OK_Click(obj, e);
            PDDropdown.DropDown.Items[2].Click += (obj, e) => Cancel_Click(obj, e);


        private void OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        	// update the keyvalue in component


    public class newCompAttributes : Grasshopper.Kernel.Special.GH_NumberSliderAttributes

        private List<double> keyvalue;
        PSlider own;

        public PSliderAttributes(newComp owner, List<double> values) :
            keyvalue = values;
            own = owner;

        protected override void Render(Grasshopper.GUI.Canvas.GH_Canvas canvas, Graphics graphics,
          Grasshopper.GUI.Canvas.GH_CanvasChannel channel)
        	// ...

I was wondering how I can pass the user input value (keyValue) to the attribute side so it could be reflected on the UI?

Many thanks!

Resolved. If passing keyValue through base, it is binding by default.