Parking and Building Massing Generative Design Graph

Hi All

I want to create a generative design graph that works out parking bay numbers and integrates building massing so the parking bays would respond to the outlines of these masses. The idea is to work out the most feasible massing dimensions and orientation while also solving for the design that gives the most parking bays.

In essence, I want to replicate the graph at the link below and the grasshopper option in the following link but with a little more complexity added with massing volume positioning and orientation.
I was going to use dynamo, python and Revit’s generative design solver for this. Still, I wondered if grasshopper/Galapagos would be more suitable as this might be very geometry intensive.
I started using grasshopper and rhino, and it seems they handle geometry much more quickly. Would you say Grasshopper/Rhino is the way to go?

Thanks for any advice in advance.


I’d say that Grasshopper is almost always preferable to Dynamo (I might be biased, but meh), especially as you point out that this will deal with lots of geometries (plus you’d have a bunch of different solvers on Grasshopper). Moreover this can be achieved outside of Revit, which should simplify and speedup any simulations/optimisations.
At the very end, you can transfer everything back to Revit with another script if needed.

Nowadays, even when automating stuff in Revit, Grasshopper can prove itself more convenient than Dynamo and even outperform it (depending on the tasks) with Rhino.Inside.
But if you’re in Revit, some stuff are still only available through Dynamo for now though.

Note: that’s my opinion, there’s no answer to your question :slight_smile:

Anyways, good luck with your project !

Hi there

Thanks for the response.
I posed the same question on the Dynamo forum; of course, there were mixed opinions.
I am, however, learning grasshopper to decide for myself.

Many thanks.