Parametric bridge design online workshop

Parametric bridge design online workshop using SOFiSTiK in Grasshopper
November 24-26, 2021, 10 AM-5 PM CET
Tutors: Andrés von Breymann and Junghwo Park
Hosted on Zoom by McNeel Europe

Today’s building industry is increasingly complex and specialized. Modern projects are highly driven by intensive collaboration between architects, structural engineers, and other stakeholders. Especially in the digital era, architects and engineers are separated from the building site. Hence, digital models are required to ensure a three-dimensional understanding of the scope of work. The challenge is that the architectural model and the structural model are not exactly the same.

This workshop will give you an intro to parametric structural design using the connection between the powerful analysis software SOFiSTiK and the nearly endless parametric possibilities of the Rhino/Grasshopper world. An emphasis is on exploring methods of collaboration between architects and structural engineers. It is led by structural engineer Andrés von Breymann from SOFiSTiK AG, along with BIM specialist Junghwo Park from Umdasch Group Ventures.

Junghwo Park introduces the basics of Rhino and Grasshopper specifically for the bridge engineers. Hence, participants do not need any experience with Rhino and Grasshopper. Andrés von Breymann introduces parametric bridge design applications using the SOFiSTiK plugin for Grasshopper. The plugin helps generate a bridge geometric model based on alignment, cross-section and stationing data. In a second step, the bridge analysis model can be generated according to the user’s engineering judgment. We will also be exploring potential workflow using Rhino.Inside for Revit with Junghwo Park. Participants will probably be bridge engineers or BIM coordinators, but others are also welcome to join. You will expect to learn and achieve the following goals after the workshop:

Day 1- Get to know the Rhino and Grasshopper

  • Rhino basics
  • Grasshopper / list and data management
  • Learn Grasshopper tips and tricks facilitating the analysis workflow
  • Get a basic understanding of how to set up the analytical model

Day 2 - Get to know the SOFiSTiK Grasshopper components for the bridges

  • The SOFiSTiK Rhino Interface
  • Interfacing Grasshopper and SOFiSTiK
  • SOFiSTiK Grasshopper: Basic examples
  • SOFiSTiK GH Bridge Components - General Explanation
  • Bridge Cross-Sections, Bridge Alignment, and Axis Based Modelling
  • Superstructure and Substructure Geometric Model (Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge Example)

Day 3 – Bridge structural analytical model and documenting the bridge model using Rhino.Inside.Revit

  • Design collaboration between the designers (bridge architects) and the engineers
  • Connecting SOFiSTiK Grasshopper geometrical model to Revit using Rhino.Inside
  • Superstructure and Substructure Analysis Model (Beam model and Shell model)
  • Post-Tensioning, Loads and Construction Stages
  • Summary of the workshop and discussion for the future developments

Course requirements: No prior knowledge of Rhino, Grasshopper nor SOFiSTiK is needed. McNeel and SOFiSTiK will provide temporal software licenses for the 3-day workshop.

Online course fees: EUR 395,- (+VAT); full-time students and university teachers get a 50% discount (proof of status required). Please note, your seat is confirmed after payment has cleared.

Max. number of participants for each course: 25. If there is no quorum, the course will be canceled 15 days before.

Course language: English

Educational seats are limited. Sign up now by contacting McNeel Europe!

Posted Oct 22, 2021 by Verena Vogler on Rhino News, etc.