Hello, sorry if this is a stupid question, but how do I generate pillars like this?
I’ve downloaded the plug-in in question (Rabbit) but I have no idea how to make them all end on one plane. In the example that was provided on Morphocode, the branches end at different places:
^the roof is curved.
Ideally I’d like to be able to define a “start” (floor level) and “end” (ceiling level) to the tree so that I get a column that branches out n number of times, in a regular/parametric fashion, like in the first picture. It’d be good if I could also control the angle and inner and outer radius of the branches:
(apologies for the ugly drawing. Hopefully it’s still legible… red = inner radius, black = outer radius)
I genuinely have no idea how to use Rabbit to do this, so I don’t really even have a tester definition… instead, here is the definition that morphocode provided.
Morphocode-Rabbit-LSystem-Branching-Structures-3d.gh (31.8 KB)
Also, sorry if this has been asked before. Surprisingly, I couldn’t find an answer anywhere.
Thanks once again, everyone.