Parameter input keyboard shortcuts missing

Already wrote about this and there is also a YouTrack item for this issue:

I am writing about this because:

  1. This seems to be a simple fix, with a very large benefit.
  2. The current YouTrack description is not 100% correct.

On YouTrack it says: “…require enter or space to complete.”. The situation would actually be a bit less cumbersome if it was even possible to complete the shortcut with Space. However, currently it only works when pressing Enter. This is a big difference, since one always has to lift his/her right hand from the mouse just to hit Enter.

This become even more cumbersome, when you want to e.g. change the WireDisplay for some inputs in GH. The fastest way to do it, is to do the following:

RMB, W, Left, H, Enter

compared to on Windows:


To work fastly those shortcuts are really useful. I made a small video comparison showing the difference (I did it as fast as I could on the Mac version and was 2-3x slower…)

Thanks a lot for your work guys!

Best wishes


Are there any updates on this issue? :surfing_man:t3:‍♂

I have just tried to simplify an input using the keyboard shortcut and it also required S+Enter in Windows GH. Seems that when two lines in the context menu have the same first character, you need to confirm with enter.

Thats true for the Windows version - in that case I can understand it - although there might me a better solution for that, such as confirming with Space.
On the Mac side any hotkey requires a confirmation with Enter (Space won’t to anything).

@dan, @curtisw

Is this issue still on your radar?
If it is simpler from a software development point, a confirmation with Space (not only with Enter) would be great, as the Space key would be easily in reach for the left hand.

Hey Rudi-

Pressing f and then space is working for me in Rhino 7 for Mac (7.2.21012.17002) as it is written in the YouTrack item. I wonder what is different about our configurations.

Wait a minute…something really is up here. When I switched back to Grasshopper after going to my browser to write this, I had to press space twice to get it to register. I’ll make a note in the YT item.

I’ll fiddle around a bit and see if I can see a pattern, but keep on the lookout if you notice one…I was able to get space to work after the initial try. Odd, something smells wrong.

Currently, the plan is to work to fix this in the 7.x timeframe. Thanks for the gentle nudge reminding us this is important. I can understand why.

I think there is a timing issue here. @rudolf.neumerkel If I do this:

right-mouse-button, then f (flatten)…then count to 3 ish in my head … then hit space it works…obviously not what we want - that’s a real workflow killer - but I wonder if you see that too.

Thank you @dan!
Yes I am experiencing exactly the same here!
How interesting that it only works after waiting for 3 seconds… I would have probably been to impatient to wait for 3 seconds to figure that out, haha :smile:

Awesome, sir!

Workflow killer. What a great word - you are speaking from my soul!

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@dan, btw. it is not possible to execute the above (first post) described workflow → RMB + W + H with the “Spacebar” method. This is what happens:

RMB, W … the WireDisplay gets highlighted, however a confirmation with Space does not work (only with the Enter button). Space hides the menu again…

any updates regarding those sweet shortcuts here? :heart:

No, I just looked into it and it looks like we need to do more investigation here. Sorry this slipped off the radar…repeatedly. That’s my fault. Now that I’ve refreshed my memory, I feel the pain again.

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same… :smiley:

Thanks for replying though, much success to you guys!

edit: also, if fixing the space bar delay issue is easier to code - i would also be fine with that, for now (as the space bar can be hit with the left thumb, while the right hand stays on the mouse)…

Now even pressing F or G does not seem to work anymore…

Please fix this :heart:

Ah, looks like it’s setting focus to the TextBox automatically now which takes all the input. What version or Rhino are you using?

Also, what macOS version? It could have been a recent update that caused this too.

Everything is up to date. Newest RH7 and macOS 12.0.1. Here are my system infos:

systemInfo.txt (7.7 KB)

would be cool if at least this functionality could be implemented… (even better if hitting “f” or “g” alone would suffice)


This still seems to work in Rhino 7.12.21306.15002 (2021-11-02) on macOS 11.6 (Big Sur). Right-clicking a component input and hitting F, G, S, selects Flatten, Graft, and Simplify respectively.

You’re a courageous person. :wink:

Yes, please! :+1: :+1: :+1:

I can confirm this is a macOS Monterey issue. Logged here:

RH-66293 Grasshopper: TextBox grabs focus on macOS Monterey

As the report says, I tested on macOS Big Sur as well and the bug does not appear - just as @diff-arch kindly pointed out.

Would be awesome if this could be fixed together with the “focus grab”.


RH-57216 is fixed in Rhino 7 Service Release 14

RH-66293 is fixed in Rhino 7 Service Release 14