Panel Tool Configurations which are Organic, Cellular, Sslightly Randomized

Like those below. Can Paneling Tools do this? The first of these images is the title image of a Video on Paneling Tool use, but I haven’t discovered any tutorials which get very close to these images:
OrganicPattern3 Orgnaic%20Pattern2

Good question. There are 2 parts to paneling: the grid and the module. The grid is always rectangular, but that does not mean that it has to have equal spacing. There is a set of functions to shuffle a grid follow some attractors (points, curves, image, random, etc.). This gives a versatility of the base.
The modeul can be fixed or variable, it can be 2D or 3D, and this provides another layer of variation.
The third part to PT is scripting. It is a GH plugin as well and further customization may be achieved to create specialized grids, and use the grids to create more custom and parametric paneling.

It is really up to the designers creativity to put these base rules or combinations together to get desired results.
The image above is curtsy of ModeLab, and they used PanelingTools to create it. Some of the other images you created might have used a voronoi tessellation, so I doubt they used PT.

Thanks Rajaa.
Are there any instructional resources available to help a person get from the tutorials searchable on line (many led by you, all of them very helpful) to what ModeLab created above? I am imagining it involves an acutely curved attractor line, extreme attraction factors, randomization, specific parameters for the chosen module, and maybe even some processing / rebuilding of the configuration after paneling tools was used. A guide to that sort of work would really help a user get to that level. To me it seems like cutting-edge stuff.

A starting point would be the reference manuals with examples. You will learn all the tricks

Then there is the webinars:
Free introductory PanelingTools course: (1 hour)

Comprehensive online (free on-demand) course with example files and handouts: (~20 hours)

Some people post their own tutorials, but this is usually a community contribution. Feel free to reach out to people that you like their work, and they might share their process.

Thanks. And if anyone is wondering about Voronoi patterns (I was) this is a great introduction:

Not sure how it applies to Paneling Tools and Rhino, but it probably applies in some way to rhino skin.