Pachyderm : visualization with grasshopper


I am new to pachyderm, so maybe my question is easy. If it is the case, just let me know :wink:

I am trying to use the component " Pach_Direct " in Grasshopper ; my intention is to get a similar result as with Pachyderm_Custommapping in rhino.

I can’t figure out what the “D” input should be ; it says that it’s the delay in ms ; but it asks a mesh object. If I plug values, the component doesn’t work.

Maybe @Arthur ; could you help me with that ? By the way thanks for the plugin !

Thank you in advance,

Florent Roosen

it indeed looks like it wants a Mesh, but I’d anyway try to pass the text panel content through a Int parameter and see what happens :upside_down_face:

Hi, yes, but no :smiley:

Hi Florent,

This wasn’t really designed to do what you want to do (and it looks like something has come unglued). Instead, use the direct sound component. That one does it the same way it is done in the rhino plug-in.

The one you are using is an old throwback for speaker modeling. See the video tutorials on the website for more information.


Hello, thanks for the answer. I’ll use Direct sound then, have a nice day !