Order path list

Good afternoon.

I have a list with several lists inside. My problem is that this list is extracted from another one and the paths of the lists are not sorted.

I would need to rewrite the index paths starting at {0} and increasing by 1 until I get to the last list.

For example my list has 25 lists inside I want the first path to be {0} and increasing to {25}. I would like this to be modified automatically in case the number of lists changes.

Thank you!

3. Attach minimal versions of all the relevant files

I think this is what you’re trying to accomplish.

You can fill in the Path Mapper component automatically by connecting it then right-clicking it and selecting Create Renumber Mapping.


I never use Path Mapper. Prefer Tree Statistics and Tree Branch instead. Right-click Tree Branch and de-select ‘Maintain Paths’ to get renumbered paths.

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@Joseph_Oster method is more robust.

Path Mapper would need to be adjusted if depth of input DataTree changes.



The Tree Statistics method is super flexible. Branch paths can be manipulated in any way you please. This example re-creates the data tree in reverse order by their branch sums (MA).

P.S. This example jitters the branches: