Orca 3D- newbie question- will my "boat" float?

Calculating draft & waterline:

I have designed a basic kayak, and now need to determine some hydrostatics…

Will it make a difference to the draft if I am using Liner Low Density Polyethelyne as the material, density of 939 kg/m3
With a 6mm wall thickness?

The mass of the person and fish will be a max of 200 kg’s.

How do I apply these and check if it will float?
or where the waterline will be after these loads/weights are applied?

Yes it will matter. You need to do a weight estimate for all the items on the boat, including the boat.

How do i add in the density of the material?

Rhino has an analysis function to calculate the volume of an enclosed solid. If your whole kayak is a “watertight” solid you will get the total volume. Multiplying by the density is done outside Rhino.

Weight estimate calculations can be done in Excel with the help of rhino. Obtain surface areas and volumes from rhino and apply weight/square metre or density to conduct a weight estimate. Add up all the items onboard.