Opening Direction of Awning Windows

The awning window seems to open in the wrong direction. It opens inward not outward.

I tried to solve this problem by reversing the grip point, but this time the location of window ended up wrong.
Opening Side.3dm (12.1 MB)
Did I understand something wrong in setting the alignment and location of windows?

@fsalla. No news about this error?

Hi @Steven_Kim The awning windows can open towards the exterior or the interior directions of a wall. It depends on the side of the wall you click when you insert it. You can adjust the desired position of that window within a wall by changing the window “Alignment” property (in the Properties panel) from Interior to Exterior, and the other way around. And also by dragging the window leaf control point from one side of the wall to another. When doing this, the window will jump to the other side of the wall, but the Alignment doesn’t change. I know this is a bit confusing, so I think we should update that Alignment property as well (or just change the leave direction but keep the frame in the same position).

This Alignment parameter in the styles dialog determines the position of the leaves in relation to the frame thickness:

Hi. Franscsc. Thanks for the reply.
An awning window never opens inward; it always opens outward.

As shown in the images I uploaded, the Leaves Alignment is currently set to ‘Exterior,’ and the Window Alignment is also set to ‘Exterior.’ Therefore, the windows should open in the opposite direction. Currently, the awning windows in VA open inward only, which is the wrong direction. This needs to be revised.