[Open Invite] Try out Grasshopper versioning plugin (GHShot)

Hi all,

I recently made a plugin for Grasshopper versioning called GHShot (short for Grasshopper Snapshot) - https://www.food4rhino.com/app/ghshot. It is part of my PhD research project and is free to use. It would be great if you could give it a try and feedback is always appreciated :slight_smile:

The idea is that you will be able to send your parametric models progression (versions) online at http://ghshot.metadesignlab.com seamlessly as you develop them. Once it is online, you can :

  1. track your overall design progression
  2. download previous versions
  3. compare and see changes between versions
  4. merge versions (experimental)
  5. share it with others to collaborate (others can rate & comment too)

More information is available at the website above and I’m also happy to answer your questions here. Short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2ULwW03G5k. Hope you will find the plugin useful.

Thank you and warm regards,



This is an exciting undertaking for us at the Meta Design Lab in Singapore.
We’d be very keen for the community to try it out and get your feedback so we can make it better.