Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private

Just now I spent considerable time searching for a particular post or thread I had contributed to, without success. Finally found it using this Google request:


The thread title was “How can I move cabinet next to each other depending on the width”, dated Jul 26, 2024. It shows a link and images from the thread but when I click the link I get this:

Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.

What happened to it? I remember doing a lot of work on this thread and still have three GH files dated Jul 29, 2024 from the effort, along with related images. I am shocked and disappointed that the thread has apparently disappeared :bangbang: Where is it :question: Why :interrobang:

In particular, I was looking for the MoveD0 cluster.

CABINETS_2024Jul29b.gh (3.6 MB)

weird, seems it’s deleted and no cache in google or entry in wayback.machine. Maybe one of the site admins can restore it?

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The images appear to still be on the global.discourse-cdn server, as you can see by clicking the link to this Google request , then clicking one of the images to open a “detail view”, then right-clicking the larger image and choosing “Open image in new tab”.

Here are a few: image 1, image 2, image 3, image 4


Maybe the internalized geometry is considered private? Very unsettling… :frowning:

I Joseph -

I agree. It’s back up.


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Thank you very much. If geometry is considered proprietary, the best thing would be to contact anyone who posted internalized copies so it can be replaced. In this case, simple boxes would work just as well.

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I agree with you on this, but if someone uploads a file on a “public” Forum, then he has shared his Geometries with anyone who has an internet connection

I say “public forum” because I can reach any page on the forum with an incognito Chrome windown without logging-in, and I can download any file that is posted on any thread as an anonymous non-registered visitor

the thing of deleting an entire thread -which could be immensely useful to someone else in the future- to protect data that one himself might have mistakenly uploaded is just pointless :upside_down_face:

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What is pointless? Did you delete that thread?

P.S. I see that you just marked a post in that thread as “Solution” when it is only a request to post code/geometry.

If you think my work in that thread was pointless I’ll be sure to never try again to help you :interrobang:

Remember the Guidelines:

When you see bad behavior, don’t reply. It encourages the bad behavior by acknowledging it, consumes your energy, and wastes everyone’s time. Just flag it. If enough flags accrue, action will be taken, either automatically or by moderator intervention.

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I request to be removed.

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**And you are not respecting my decision of being removed. **

Yes, legalese is boring, but we must protect ourselves – and by extension, you and your data – against unfriendly folks.

The best thing to do is start a new post.

Eh - I’d also prefer that people don’t delete threads in which others have contributed. @Joseph_Oster (or anyone) contributes a few hours of their time to help resolve a problem and does so knowing that it’s going to help other people too at some point when they come across that thread, but then the thread gets deleted? That person should rather go on fiverr and pay someone to help them if they want to delete a thread as soon as help is posted.

It’s happened to me on other forums and I don’t like it. A forum is a place to share knowledge and help each other out, not a place to get free help for your job / homework and delete it once you have it.