For affordable software like Rhino, yes. But for software that starts at $50k, even $10k, a subscription model works better for cash-strapped businesses, esp startups with no access to credit.
As an employee, I prefer subscription model, because the company HAS to pay up - otherwise work stops. So updates are guaranteed, and I will always be on the latest version and have access to support.
In the past, I’ve convinced my employer to fork out the tens of thousands needed for a program (ERP or e.g. Cabinet Vision), but when asking for an upgrade it was always a hard sell, with the bosses thinking “what we’ve got now is getting the job done, why spend more money?”
But please don’t do that for Rhino! Actually, the option to subscribe to Rhino for a reasonable monthly fee would be good - We’d already be renting it for $100/month right now if that was an option - just so others in the office could learn it.
… as a user I hate subscription models because days may come when I no longer can afford the subscription fees, perhaps because I need to prioritize other software (can’t afford them all at all times), and so I may find that I no longer ca “afford access” to my own data.
Best way to kill Rhino: Introduce a subscription model (then I’d be the first one to abandon ship).
Other than Autocad, there aren’t many companies that have gone to subscription ONLY model. But if it is an OPTION, for some companies, it can be a good option.
I will give you a real life example: Enroute. You can buy the whole thing with all features for about $10k, or you can rent for $99/month. I know where I’d rather have my cash: buying stock to sell, not tied up in software.
That said, I bought Vcarve Pro for ~$700. I hardly use it, but I like having it there when I need it. If you could ONLY rent it, even if only for $10/month, I wouldn’t use it for exactly the reason you give.
By “user”, I meant “employee” which hopefully clarifies meaning a bit.
Another real-life example: Scan-and-Solve for Rhino.
The 2014 version was a perpetual license for 995,- USD
The new PRO version only comes as an annual license for 750,- USD / year.
Am I upgrading to this new version? Nope…
sounds more like - "as an employee, i’m not buying nor leasing the software "
…which, to me at least, isn’t really the perspective to be looking at this from… or, most of the people you’ll be discussing this with here ARE paying for software…
you’re basically saying “the software costs me no money either way… in a subscription based system, i always have the latest versions at my disposal”
ok, cool-- point taken.
but realize that nobody else here (or most everybody) doesn’t have this part-- "“the software costs me no money either way”… the very point we’re (generally) talking about IS the money part.