Offset on surface

Hi everyone,
I had trouble with the ‘offset on surface’ command. The curve (img 1) was divided through Tween curves, after which I applied the offset to the curves created. However, the component tells me that not all curves can be offset (img 2). Does anyone know where the problem might be?

img 1
img 2]

Offset on (27.8 KB)

I have no recollection of that thread you linked to, or that cluster. And I don’t see any connection to “Offset on surface” :question:

3. Attach minimal versions of all the relevant files

Sorry, I don’t why but something happened during the uploading. Now I attached the file.

Related to the recollection of that cluster, I just deleted it, so it does not create any misunderstanding. Indeed it was useless for the following topic.

Uh… wow. That’s a lot of code for what appears to be a stack of identical planar curves, so why are you using OffsetS?

This is my limited understanding of Offset Curve on Surface: (25.2 KB)

The structure of the algorithm is very long because it is part of a more complex system. I applied this process thinking first of all for NON planar curves. Not being able, however, to apply this offset to these curves, I tried to use a planar curve. The result didn’t change. In fact, some layers are “deleted” during the offset operation. (img 1-Tween curves and img 2-offset curves)

img 2-offset curves

In any case, I came up with a new solution that involves flipping the order of the components in the algorithm. Create the desired curve offset before applying the Tween curve. I don’t think it’s the most effective method, but for my project it should be enough.

Thank you so much for your patience

Yeah, I messed around without understanding your goal. It appears to me that the sharp point on your shape causes problems with standard Offset Curve and perhaps Boundary Surface. In any case, I still don’t see “Offset on surface” anywhere and in general, some of this code looks far more complex than necessary.

Giulia (29.3 KB)

P.S. The sharp point was definitely causing trouble. I applied a fillet to round it off and everything works better now! Maybe not quite what you want but an important lesson - avoid sharp points!

Giulia (39.2 KB)

P.P.S. Modified to fillet only the sharp point and leave the other two “corners” alone (white group).

Giulia (38.6 KB)

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Thank so much! Your solution is pretty interesting and I think I’ll apply yours instead of mine :muscle:t2:
And thank you for your suggestion about sharp points!!!

It could be squared off instead of radius (fillet) to get rid of that sharp point in the curve.

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