Number-Labels for CNC Wood Parts

Good morning

I am looking for a simple solution or a plugin that labels me individual parts.
In the middle of the plate should be the plate number and on each edge the number of the touching element. So that there is no confusion of the individual plates in complex geometries. I have a geometry with a lot of single parts, which all look very similar, but are always different.

Thanks a lot

Hi @Michael_M
Not very simple, but it works.

tagging box (24.4 KB)


Thank you for your solution. Unfortunately, I could not change it completely so that the individual part elements are recognized and labeled only on the “laser” side (on both sides is also okay).
I see this solution rather with a simple paper craft sheet, unfortunately not for wood panels

Something like this?

There is BlazingNest - Open Source nesting platform - free which is a limited free version, It’s made for CNC cutting with marking, labelling and so on.

the plugin does not work for me