Noob question #001

When providing support for new file format, is it required that you do that with C++ or you also can do it with .net?

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Could you explan these classes as there’s no description and the rest is meaningless for me. Before putting something in the Python editor :wink:



Disclaimer: I don’t know if this works for Python, untested code, directly typed into discourse reply area, but…

For FileExportPlugIn the process is roughly:

  • derive class from FileExportPlugIn
  • override protected FileTypeList AddFileTypes(FileWriteOptions fwo). This pretty much means instantiating a FileTypeList, then adding an entry for each extension you want, something like
def AddFileTypes(self, fwo):
  ftl = FileTypeList()
  ftl.AddFileType("MY TYPE (*.mytyp)", "mytyp")
  return ftl
def WriteFile(self, name, idx, doc, fwo):
  # idx is the index of extensions in order as added in AddFileTypes
  # open a file with `name`
  # iterate over the doc data and
  # convert into the data format you want
  # then write to that file. Finally return the proper
  # FileWriteResult member
  return FileWriteResult.Success

edit: it would be interesting to hear if this works with a Python plug-in. You’ll have to ensure you can compile a proper assembly with all assembly attributes and all. Essentially create a plug-in as you normally would, but with FileExportPlugIn as the base class instead of PlugIn

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Thank you Nathan.

This is a great description. I’ll try to do something.

Yes, I would really like at first to create a simple “Hello World!” plugin to get all attributes in place and test if it works with ironpython compiled dll.
My attempts so far have failed.