I am trying to simulate PVC sheet welding in kangaroo, however I am having difficulty simulating the difference in material properties that arises along the weld lines, i.e they are much stiffer than the rest of the fabric due to the welding process. This project -
demonstrates a method which works, however I am getting vastly different results. I understand they are most likely using custom software, but I am just wondering if anyone thinks this is possible to recreate in kangaroo.
The first image is my failed attempt, and the second is more the form I am looking to achieve.
I understand my mesh has a very different topology to the MIT groups - and I plan to tackle this, however it is the ‘stiffness’ along the edges I am having difficulty with.
WIP file attached, thanks in advance for any help.
It looks like the main thing you need to change is adding some bending stiffness to the sheet.
Without this it will just round out at the seams.
Here’s a comparison of without/with bending:
Hi Daniel, thanks very much this looks great, however my uni is still running rhino 5 and i’m getting slightly odd results, would you mind sharing a screen grab of your definition if possible? Capture|690x355
How can I do the inflating without the circle in the middle of the mesh?
I’m trying to create inflate a flat surface to create inflating pillow.
buenas, quería saber como puedo inflar dichos breps, al igual que han hecho con el resto de superficies. convierto brep to mesh con simple mesh y no me funciona el inflable. gracias breps.3dm (2.4 MB)
It looks like you are modelling inflated pillows for a geodesic dome.
I don’t think I would use simulation for this, but would rather work from the initial mesh, and for each triangular face, subdivide it once, move the interior points outwards, then subdivide again to make it smooth.