Hello !
i’m a new user on Rhino (coming from Autocad and Sketchup) and specialized on interior design.
I got few questions:
On my perspective view, or even on top view, how can I create new objects on let’s say a 2nd floor without any attach? Everytime I draw something, it goes down; being projecting on ground floor
With the new section tool option on Rhino 8; when I create new objects on my perspective; what should I do them cut and appear on my drawing section (after creating the clipping plan)?
I believe it’s not possible to unlock drawing section, for instance to add real DWG door block? I’m currently hidden the layer “Section 00_Curve” in order to do so. Any other suggestion please?
Thank you,
If you’ve ever done 3D modeling in AutoCAD, the equivalent of your UCS Coordinate system is Rhino’s CPlane system. To draw something on the second floor, you need to set the CPlane. There are a few ways of doing so. I like the “3 Point” method. I have that added to my middle mouse button menu.
To lock something to your CPlane enable the “Project” snap.
In Rhino 7 I was creating 2D linework with Make2D. There is a way to generate “live” 2D linework from a section but it doesn’t work for my own personal needs. Right now I am finalizing how I do things in Rhino 8. I’m heavily leaning towards annotating in Layout Space similar to what you can do in AutoCAD (with the DIMASSOC variable set to 2). It seems to be the way to go I just need to work out a few issues.
I’m hesitant to answer this one because I don’t really know what you are trying to achieve. If you provide more information I might be able to help. In lieu of Dynamic blocks in AutoCAD I sometimes use Groups in Rhino for certain things. If I create 2D linework for a door I would probably make it a group so that every instance can have unique geometry. You can scale blocks of course but if you have doors in different wall widths your door frames won’t look quite right. Using groups in Rhino also feels faster than in AutoCAD, but I never used them much in AutoCAD (probably because of Dynamic Blocks).
The Planar command limits successive picked locations to the same construction plane elevation as the previous location.
Planar mode aids in creating planar objects with commands that allow free picking. Successive points have the same construction plane elevation.
From the Curve menu, click Free-form, then click Control Points.
Pick the first point in the lower part of the Top viewport.
Move the cursor to the Front viewport and continue drawing.
You will see that all the points you pick define a planar curve at the same elevation in the Front viewport. (Watch the Top and Right viewports). That elevation for the Front viewport was defined by the very first point you placed in the Top viewport.
With Planar off, the subsequent points would be at elevation 0 in the Front viewport.
Each point picked in a viewport will have the same elevation from that viewport’s construction plane as the previous point, regardless of where the previous point was picked.
Thank you for your quick reply. Point 1 checked with Auto CPlane, thank you!
I realize I wasn’t clear enough for the other ones, so I uploaded some pictures.
Point 2: This is made with the new functionnality of dynamic section on Rhino 8.
Once my clipping plan is created, new inputs on my perspective aren’t cut, neither appear on my 2D drawing. Should I have to delete my clipping plan before creating additional components? Cuz this will make me loose my 2D drawing every single time… o_O
Point 3: While using “Make 2D”, I know I will be able to change everything I want, but unfortunately, I won’t be dynamic (attached to my perspective).
On the other side, while using “Create drawing” new tool, make my 2D drawing dynamic, but I cannot change hatches, color and so on.
The way i’m doing it for now, for instance to change doors on my floor plan on the pictures attached, is hidden “Curve layout” and import a new block which actually looks more like a door. I want to know if this is the correct way, or maybe there’s something else?
Hi Esther -
Please start new threads for different questions. It’s hard to keep up with threads that involve a lot of different things.
Also, always provide a simple .3dm. Pictures sometimes illustrate something, but it’s a lot easier to troubleshoot things from an actual .3dm file.
You just have to update the drawing.
At this point in time, simply moving the clipping plane a bit will do that. You can also use the UpdateClippingDrawings command.