New to Rhino but old as dirt using several CAD systems

Hi All, Currently, I am using MoI3d for building CAD models. There are limitations as my requirements are leaning toward a more parametric modeling experience. I have experience creating Node Editor scripts for MoI3d and would like to learn how efficient Grasshopper is with Rhino3d. If there is anyone with experience with Node Editor and Grasshopper that would like to share DM ?

Thank you,

Hey @wayne.hill.5202 ,

Grasshopper is very efficient with Rhino, it works very well and offers a pretty unlimited Parametric experience. What sorts of things are you trying to model? Knowing what discipline you work in might help get some more relevant answers :slight_smile:

What is DM?

In the early days, modelling in Grasshopper was often referred as “parametric design”. This is why the term "parametric … " sticks to this app. From my experience this is not wrong, but misleading. Grasshopper is a visual scripting editor to call Rhino and 3rd party library code. So you click together code snippets of various complexity, which of course can be parameterized. However a parametric CAD is something slightly different. A parametric CAD would remember the entire modelling history and allow you to change the parameters of your modelling action at any point and rebuild the final model based on this. You can in theory archive this in Grasshopper, but it is important to understand that you cannot call the same complex commands as in Rhino. This essentially prevents you from effectively automate Rhino modelling. It is still very powerful and versatile, but in terms of parametric modelling, other CAD is by far more useful. Rhino remains a direct modelling software with all its advantages and disadvantages.

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HI Tom,

DM or Direct Message. Send a message outside of the web site as to not annoy others with my senseless babble,

My current CAD scripter takes a nap when tasked with creating 10,000 objects. When directed to move the objects, it takes a nap again. Hoping Grasshopper is more efficient.

Hi Callum,

Looking to process a graphic image to unique colors and vectorize paths for CAD/CAM wood routing.


I think you’ll find here we all quite enjoy a good natter about CAD things :slight_smile: !

Also posting here gives more chance of someone else knowing an answer and helping as well as the thread helping someone else in the future :smiley:

Would this be like taking a photo and creating a topography from it via luminance values to create a topography on the wood via a router?