New Problem using Sweep 1 rail with 2 different sections curves

Hi again!
Thanks so much! :grinning:
As i donā€™t understand very much the function of ā€œlist itemā€, i tried to do your defintion, without the function ā€œlist itemā€, that i put here.
But, could you please explain me, how this function is working, because, what i donā€™t understand, is that in input, we have two closed planar curves, and, at the input, it is written that we have only one closed curve. But, It seems that, in the output, from one side, we have the end point of the bigger section curve, and, from other side, we have the bigger section curve that enters in the input of the function ā€œmirrorā€. So, i donā€™t understand, how, from the function ā€œlist itemā€, we can choose only the bigger section curve, and not choose, the smaller? :grinning:
Thanks so much (9.7 KB)