DesignMorphine announces these new webinars in September 2021:
Sep 19 - Residual Digital V1.0 Webinar by DesignMorphine
Residual Digital V1.0 will investigate the emergence of digital anomalies created from simple form-finding techniques. The course will include a brief intro to Rhino 7 SubD tools and simple Grasshopper form-finding definitions—the generated forms will be used as the design figure to be distorted and broken up. We will explore many different variations to simple modeling in Rhino and dissecting the models in Grasshopper. The decimated forms are then populated with different geometries, orientations, and arrangements to exploit dimensional artifacts. Tools explored are component models, block modelling, and parametric sculpting. A semi-reversed process of design will be used to create and build the digital scenarios. Finally, the designs will be brought in Lumion where participants will learn to add scene elements such as sun, grass, trees, weather, and other elements. These can be beautifully rendered to encompass an overall completed scene with the accumulated digital artifacts. After participation, individuals will be comfortable with some basics to intermediate skills in Grasshopper, Rhino SubD skills, and Lumion basics to create multiple designs and a scene in which they can render their final models.
Sep 21 - Procedural Assemblies V2.0 Webinar by DesignMorphine
Procedural Assemblies V2.0 aims to develop a scalable, reversible, and modular architecture system from a kit of parts primarily with Grasshopper’s Wasp plugin. The webinar investigates innovative design approaches and project visualization with Escape to create assembly-based construction systems from discrete voxel logic. Using the research in reconfigurable material solutions and scalable timber construction lead to proposals for innovative spatial strategies for environments and communities of the digital age. We will investigate modular building blocks, advances in low-cost and low-tech pre-fab construction and their representation. Methods of digital reassembly and the creation of novel building systems and aggregation logics will be explored using generative design tools. The resulting architectural and computational bottom-up strategies for reversible building systems will lay out manufacturing and economic processes to support the system. Computational logic is applied to allow design solutions built up upon generative and flexible planning parameters. Ultimately, the designs propose a scenario to use our digital toolset and architectural design thinking to establish new design workflows for providing affordable and socially sustainable spaces.
Sep 25 - Anexact Aescapes V1.0 Webinar by DesignMorphine
Anexact Aescapes V.1 will explore the advanced digital modeling techniques to generate complex architectural compositions. ‘Anexact’ architectural objects resist being reduced to pure geometric forms. These ambiguous, irreducible, and rigorous objects embrace the immense qualities that exist in any form. The multiple techniques and operations can be leveraged in the conceptual stage of any project. The explorations will wrap several frames, and we dive deeper into the notion of how newer properties appear when autonomous architectural masses interact with each other. Participants will learn to develop models that speculate on various qualities of articulations and the interaction of masses. Rather than using a sketch as an end goal, we use it as a starting point and then take it forward while developing a 3D composition, seeing how far we can go with it using a series of simple compounded operations in Rhinoceros. The webinar will demonstrate how to take full advantage of manual modeling in Rhinoceros to create complex geometries you might not believe could be manually designed without parametric tools.
Follow the links for complete info and registration…
Posted Jul 14, 2021 by Carlos Perez on Rhino News, etc.