Hi Scripting Guru.
I’m trying to create a RhinoCommon script for snapping to the highest points in a cluster of points. I’m at loss for word trying to fix this error for the past week. I even used ChatGPT to diagnose these 2 persistent errors. So far no dice. Any advice? Thanks in advance!
CS0019 'Operator ‘==’ cannot be applied to operands of type ‘method group’ and ‘int’
CS8602 Dereference of a possibly null reference.
using System;
using Rhino;
using Rhino.Geometry;
using Rhino.Commands;
using Rhino.DocObjects;
using Rhino.Input.Custom;
public class DynamicSnapCommand : Command
public override string EnglishName => "DynamicSnapCommand";
// To track if the command is running or not
private bool _isRunning;
protected override Result RunCommand(RhinoDoc doc, RunMode mode)
// Define the snap radius (100mm)
double snapRadius = 100.0;
// Start running the dynamic snap
_isRunning = true;
RhinoApp.WriteLine("Dynamic snapping is now active. Press ESC to stop.");
// Event-based method is better than continuous loops
while (_isRunning)
// Track mouse movement and snap logic
var activeView = doc.Views.ActiveView;
// Check if the active view and viewport are not null
if (activeView == null || activeView.ActiveViewport == null)
RhinoApp.WriteLine("No active view or viewport.");
return Result.Failure;
// Use GetPoint to track user input (mouse position)
var gp = new GetPoint();
gp.SetCommandPrompt("Select point for snapping");
gp.Get(); // This ensures we capture the mouse position or user input
// Check if the user canceled or accepted the command
if (gp.CommandResult() != Result.Success) // Ensure you're calling the method (gp.CommandResult())
RhinoApp.WriteLine("Failed to get point.");
return Result.Failure;
var mousePos = gp.Point(); // This is the point selected by the user (mouse position)
// Retrieve the points in the model space
var pointObjs = doc.Objects.FindByObjectType(ObjectType.Point);
if (pointObjs == null || pointObjs.Count == 0)
RhinoApp.WriteLine("No points found in the model space.");
return Result.Failure;
// Find the highest point within 100mm radius
Point3d? snapPoint = null;
double maxZ = double.MinValue;
foreach (var pointObj in pointObjs)
var point = pointObj.Geometry as Point;
if (point == null) continue;
double distance = point.Location.DistanceTo(mousePos);
if (distance <= snapRadius)
if (point.Location.Z > maxZ)
maxZ = point.Location.Z;
snapPoint = point.Location; // Store the highest Z within range
// If a valid snap point is found, display the result
if (snapPoint.HasValue) // Correctly check if snapPoint has a value
RhinoApp.WriteLine($"Snapping to the highest point at {snapPoint.Value}");
RhinoApp.WriteLine("No valid snap points found within the defined radius.");
// Check for user input or stop conditions (ESC key press)
if (gp.CommandResult() == Result.Cancel) // Ensure you're calling the method (gp.CommandResult())
_isRunning = false;
RhinoApp.WriteLine("Dynamic snapping stopped.");
// Allow Rhino to update its UI (this is equivalent to allowing the program to update the screen during a loop)
return Result.Success;