I’m trying to assign some data to nested blocks, however I’m finding that while top-level instance objects can have differing user attributes/user data per instance, nested block instances will have the same the attributes (as they’re sharing the same Attribute ID?)
I’m guessing this is intentional, but is there any way to assign data per nested-instance, same as top level blocks?
Some block instance object that is part of some block definition is treated just like any other instance definition object (e.g. curve, surface, etc.) - it is shared with all instances of the definition. So yes, the nested block instances will have the same the attributes.
Can you be more specific as to what problem you are trying to solve?
Hey @dale – I’m trying to apply some manufacturing level information to nested blocks.
I might have 50 identical timber beams in my project, each represented as a block. Each beam block might contain 10 bolts as nested blocks. I’m wanting to see if I can tag these beams with some info like manufacturing_status: in-progress, or not started. This works on top-level blocks i.e. the beam, but nested blocks like the bolts will share the attribute user-text and therefore any manufacturing info that gets assigned to one of them will get assigned to all of them. This is important for if I want to manufacture only the first 25 beams, and I want to know if we’ve got enough bolts in stock (for example), if I could check the model to see what M6_50MM_SSHEX blocks have been issued then that would be great, but currently it doesn’t seem to be possible. I could do this outside the model but I’m trying to consolidate this kind of data within the model rather than trying to keep it in sync elsewhere.
I played around with it last night and creating unique blocks seems like it would work (same geometry, unique block name), albeit isn’t great and breaks any efficiencies from using blocks? Otherwise I could stop using blocks altogether – any thoughts would be appreciated though.
I can see why nested blocks behave this way, but I would have thought that nested block might have unique attributes (seeing as they do have a unique id) while the attributes on the block definition would be shared?