I have a project I’m working on currently that involves me taking a model and converting it into a mesh suitable for slicing and 3D printing. In order to print successfully I need the mesh to be a ‘good mesh’ using the check command. However no matter what I try I cant get the mesh to be a good mesh. This is the closest I have gotten it.
I have had success with this in the past but this specific project is a challenge. When it comes to meshes in Rhino my understanding isn’t great so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Neil- it does look ok and I think it is, the problem is with the mesher, I believe. It makes some ugly degenerate faces and non-manifold edges in those locations.
I’m not sure what trick you did there, but I prefer slightly different settings usually. There are sometimes where I’ve experimented from what I normally do here but these are the settings I prefer for metric units:
I’m still adjusting to the new interface so hopefully I didn’t mess up the order. But also, the only difference if I were using inch units is I adjust the resolution of the decimals slightly depending on the situation.
I usually model under the same parameters for the render mesh, but I can share the other dialogue version too – it’s basically the same numbers:
@pascal Interesting. Thanks, so its not necessarily something that I did wrong with my design, even though I’m sure I can do better? Is there anything I should look out for or keep in mind for the future so I can avoid getting this issue again?
Hi Neil - I really do not see anything really amiss - the surfaces all coming tangent with the top face and the one fillet coming to a point seems to make the mesher unhappy with at least some settings. The edge tolerances are not perfect - getting close to file tolerance (see the What command) - but should be OK - that is, I suspect they are playing a role in the meshing problem but I do not see what you should have done differently, this should be handled.