Multiple Line SDL from Length all on top of each other - How to move them one after another?

Hi Guys,

I have various lengths brought in from a curved section which I need to make as a set of straight lines one after another. I know they’re all in the Line SDL on top of each other but I’m not sure how to make them one after another on the x axis.

Any help is much appreciated.


this could be a way…

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Thanks both! You’ve helped increase my knowledge of how to use quite a few things there! :slight_smile:

One more.

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Hah, yeah, drawing the lines with a reversed vector avoids the need to insert zero (Insert Items) and remove the last length (Shift List) as I did. But there are consequences.

I added your method (white group, with X offset to see them more clearly) to mine to show the difference: (18.7 KB)

Applying Flip Curve to yours makes the start/end points and direction the same but oddly, Vector Display (VDis) appears to be confused, since the two don’t match.

After flipping, it seems to read the line as a Line/Like Curve rather than a Line, so it loses the length information for the vector display…I guess.

Yep, that sounds right.

P.S. I read “all on top of each other” in the thread title and somehow missed these big words in the image: :slight_smile: So mine uses Z instead of X. Oh well.

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I cottoned on that you probably put the Z by mistake. :slight_smile:

So I inputted them all and Jakinta’s seems to be the most suitable to work with the rest of what I need.

I’ve learnt quite a bit from all of them so that’s good. :slight_smile:

Whatever works for you, of course. I’m curious though - why?

This version fixes the X vs. Z issue:

sequential_z_2019Nov27b (9.4 KB)

When I attached them to the lines in my definition and added list item to choose certain ones, the list items seemed to be in unusual places with yours.

I haven’t tried the one you’ve posted most recently. When I get a spare minute I’ll drop in a comparison so you can see.

Please bare in mind I still learning grasshopper so I could have done something not quite correctly on my part to make it happen too. :slight_smile:

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Yeah, that’s a distinct possibility. The model is extremely simple. It correctly implements your stated requirements, as far as I can tell. I would advise not settling for mystery around the discrepancy you observed.