Hello ,
I’m pretty new with GH so I’m experimenting some basic features .
I’m now stock in a different behavior if i use 2 segments or one splitted segment(same behavior with spline and multple division >2).
Consider that the case of obtain a frame , is just this discussion, but i see same problem working with vectors on same curves.
See the attached example.
First case : I create in rhino 2 curves than multiple set those curves in GH Curve -. The result is what i’m expecting: 1 frame in the middle of each segment.
Second case: I create in rhino 1 curve than single set this curve in GH Curve, then divide in 2 in GH - Teh result is not expected: 2 frame in the middle of the first segment.
when you shatter a Curve of given domain (A) the shatteret parts inherit their Domains from the original curve they were part of (B), so you get two overlapping identical Frames because t_0 on Curve_0 == t1 on Curve_1
just a note, be aware that Curve Domain and Curve Length do overlap for Lines, but they are not necessarily overlapping for Curves… a very nice reading on the topic: