Multiple Brep Union/Merge into one Geometry

Hi, I’m trying to merge multiple breps into one geometry and export it as a STL-file. I have some problems with merging all the different geometry into one. I realized that especially one brep is making all the trouble. I tried using “Solid-Union” but there I get a error “Boolean union set is empty”. Previously I saw that the troublesome brep was a “open brep” and I thought after converting it into a “closed brep” the problem should disappear. Unfortunately not. Does anybody now a workaround?
Bildschirm­foto 2023-02-20 um 12.52.46
Bildschirm­foto 2023-02-20 um 13.00.54 (2.9 MB)

This is the problematic brep:
Bildschirm­foto 2023-02-20 um 13.03.48


You have a lot of co-tangent , co-planar faces, that’s the problem.
It is not grasshopper fault.
Even doing the boolean union in rhino will result in a failure.

This is generally bad drawing practice.
Solid boolean operations works best when solid intersect each-other.
Your solid do not intersect in many parts, but they instead even share a common surface, which results in a gamble for the math to choose if to leave a 0-thick “bubble” or to remove them.

If you care only about STL file and have some tolerance, you might have more luck by:
-converting all breps to meshes
-offsetting the meshes outward by a little (0.01mm), this step is optional
-mesh solid union + cleaning steps